Precision Mini Jewelry Scales 500g/0.01g

Precision Mini Jewelry Scales 500g/0.01g



Mini scale lightweight, convenient, and can be weighed anytime and anywhere. Easy to carry

Color: Silver


Size: 120 * 65 * 20mm


Powered by : 2 * 1.5V AAA batteries(Battery not included)


1*500g Digital Scale (Battery not included)

1*Users manual


1. Turn on the scale and wait until the LCDdisplays “0.0”.

2. Place a sample amount (25pcs,50pcs,75pcs or 100pcs) of the quantity you wishto weigh and count onto the platform.

3. Press and HOLD [PCS] key for 2 seconds;the LCD will display a random number, forexample”100″.

4. Press [UNITS] key to select the sampleamount of the item that you have put ontothe platform.

5. Press [PCS] key to confirm the aboveinformation, the LCD will now display posin the corner to show that the scale is incounting mode.

6. Remove the sample quantity from theplatform.

7. You now can place any amount of youritem(s) on the scale and the LCD willdisplay a count

8. You can switch between weighing modeand counting mode by pressing [UNITS] or[PCS] key respectively.


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